Sunday 18 October 2015

Cryptolocker Ransomware


Dear Valued Customer,

We are seeing an increase in email activity containing links to the malicious code known as the Crypto Locker Virus.

The Emails most recently are claiming to be from Australia Post, but have also been seen from the State Recovery Department and the Australian Tax Office.

If you receive an email from any of the above, or are at all concerned that an email is unwarranted and potentially harmful please DO NOT OPEN and give us a call for investigation.

Please distribute to your team if applicable.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us on (02) 8199 7650.

Monday 12 January 2015

CryptoWall ransomware variant has new defenses

Cisco found that the latest version of the malware terminates itself if it runs in a virtual machine

Read the full article here

Friday 9 January 2015

Set Google as Default Search Provider in Internet Explorer

Often we are asked to change Internet Explorer default search provider to Google rather than using Bing as their preference.

Unfortunately, if you live outside US, Google is not an option and is missing from the list.

To add Google as your search provider:

1. Open IE, click the Tools icon/button (the gear icon on top right corner)

2. Click Manage Add-ons

3. Select Search Providers

4. On bottom left corner, click on link "Find more search providers..."

5. It will take you to the following address:

6. Change the address from "en-au" to "en-us" as per below:

7. Google Search is now available in the list:

8. Click Add to Internet Explorer

9. Check Make this my default search provider, then click Add button

And you're done!